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Senin, 28 Februari 2011 0 komentar

Mini Lyric 2011

Hai Sobat S&R binggung cari lirik lagu yang sobat sukai ,malukan kalo suka sama lagu tapi liriknya kita ga hafal, di siang hari ini S&R akan membagi Sobat software untuk menampilkan lyric lagu yang sedang Sobat putar di komputer, Agar lebih mudah jika sobat menggunakan ini online jadi langsung menemukan lyric yang update dan bisa disimpan jika kita lagi offline, ok deh silahkan sobat download di bawah ini

Download Mini Lyric
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Driving Car Can Use Mind Power !

Wow, can drive only with eye movements! Hmmm, seems less remarkable when compared with this one. Then if you could drive a car with the power of thought, Wow, That's just his name was AMAZING!

The engineers from Freie University, Berlin, is now struggling to do experiments to make it happen. With the help of sensors that can record Electroencephalography (EEG). Electroencephalography itself is recording spontaneous electrical energy activities along the skin to the generated by neurons in the brain that take place in a short time.

Through EEG, scientists attempt to instruct the actor to imagine moving the cube in the virtual world. That way, they were able to distinguish the wave pattern Bioelectrical to order this cube to turn left, right, accelerate or brake.

Subsequently, scientists developed a sensor interface that connects to the steering system (steering), accelerator and brakes of his car completely controlled by computers. This allows the movement of the experimenter affects the car only with the power of mind alone.

In a test trial a second time, most of the race the car automatically, but through an EEG sensor can determine the direction of the driver at the intersection.
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Appears New Touch BlackBerry Bold?

BlackBerry market is selling well in the market. Now the Research In Motion (RIM) will soon shine again by presenting the latest generation smartphone that will be called the BlackBerry Bold Touch. Even before the end of this smartphone really inaugurated existing photograph circulating on the physical form of the BlackBerry Bold Touch is emerging from the Montana / Dakota.

At least for newcomers this smartphone will have a screen size of 2.8 inches with a resolution of 640 × 480, still with its QWERTY keyboard is typical. In addition, this smartphone will also feature a 5 Megapixel camera is also equipped with the accelerometer and proximity sensors.

Reportedly the RIM BlackBerry Bold will equip it with a memory Touch around 6.5GB of flash memory and 512MB of RAM (previously had time to get out that 8GB of internal memory and 768MB RAM). It is estimated that the operating system will be used later is the BlackBerry OS 6.1. Reportedly the latest smartphone from this new BlackBerry will be available in August 2011.
Minggu, 27 Februari 2011 0 komentar

Practicing Martial Arts UFC Undisputed Fight Through Nation, Applications Latest Game Fun Stuff up

As the popularity up in all parts of the world, no doubt too many interested parties and competing to make up for gaming applications. Especially if you are really a gamer, do not call you as a gamer slang if you have not tried the game up for the latest on this one. You know, recently been attending a recent game up called Undisputed UFC Fight Nation. Game up made by THQ this is the series Undiputed UFC video game that allows its users to create or make your own homemade fighter, to train and be involved in an online game that you do together with your friends on Facebook. Wow, exciting is not it?

UFC Undisputed Facebook game application provides comfort for the followers loyal through terrible game play mechanics, so the manufacturers are, THQ, is now trying to shoot and master the online media market, especially up as a social network of the most popular today, through his application . UFC Undisputed itself is a game that is destined for social networking that allows its users to create and manage their own virtual UFC fight career.
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Kinectimals, Toys Interactive Virtual Pets Can Be So's Your Play

The sophistication of a technology can basically just make the real world and virtual world as if there is no batasannnya. Yes, that's what the company has developed the software giant, Microsoft. Because the bar recently Microsoft has managed to roll out its newest product line of interactive plush toys based on video games Kinectimals which runs on a home game system, Xbox 360. With this interactive game, the toy figure of a virtual pet that can interactively respond to what the user's motion and ordered by using the technology Kinect motion tracking sensor system. Wow, really amazing is not it!

The figure of the virtual pet toys, including the White Tiger (white tiger), African Lion (African Lion), Asiatic Cheetah (Cheetah Asia), Bornean Clouded Leopard (Borneo island clouded leopard) and the Iberian Lynx. All these virtual toys can be purchased at the GAME, Smyth Toys and Toys'R'Us with prices the unit which is estimated at $ 9.99, or about 100 thousand dollars.

Meanwhile, Microsoft also has released a Collector's Edition Latest from video games such Kinectimals. And its existence is packed with seven plush toy you can buy with price $ 44.99, or about 500 thousand dollars through the same retailer.

Toys inspired by the latest video games Kinetimals was using a special tag technology made by Microsoft. In the presence of this special Tag allows consumers to scan (scan) toys using Kinect motion tracking sensor system so that obtained characteristics and content of the video game.

So far Microsoft has not detailed hand to explain how the basic nature of the content related to real life toy was or will be integrated to form Kinectimals in other ways.

Please note, Kinectimals itself allows users or players can create virtual pets and then develop the skills to play with virtual toys available. With all the movement that the user created, interpreted as an input to the game by Kinect. That way, there will be interaction between virtual animals that exist with the users (players) that may be spelled in a way that is natural and almost realistic. While the virtual pet can respond to verbal commands from the user (player) and can recognize when the user complete control over the game.

Kinect motion tracking system has so far only applies to game play to take it easy. But related to it, like what diiyaratkan by Microsoft recently that the technology is not impossible that could have been implemented for game play genre, or other action in the future. Even according to the news circulated, Microsoft also will soon release a war game genre that uses motion tracking technology is in the summer of 2011. Hm, something to be expected is not it!
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NBFree Mp3 to Wav converter

Selamat malam sobat S&R ,malam ini S&R akan bagi kalian software yang sangat bermanfaat ,software Free untuk merubah MP3 ke wav . software ini juga bisa buat ringtone HP sobat yang bisanya cuma pakai format wav seperti HP S&R yang jadul ..hehehehe. jadi yang lagi butuh ini software silahkan download di link bawah ini ya

NBFree Mp3 to Wav converter
Jumat, 25 Februari 2011 0 komentar

Free nokia E7 and Smartphone WP7 For The developer

Free, of course, everyone loved it. Nokia is almost drowned out by the presence after the slaughter line of smartphones from its competitors. Obviously this makes the developer almost discouraged. While holding the Microsoft, this year the Nokia finally made an announcement that provides the largest free mobile phones and smartphones E7 WP7 (if already available) to the developer.

Not only that, Nokia also promised to cover the cost of registration Nokia World for the developers, which means that once again free. And this will apply for 3 months.

It seems that the Finnish telecommunications equipment company that wanted to please the developer. Before they begin work to develop and implement Windows Phone 7. Yes indeed it's hard enough after becoming the number one, now have to fight back to reach it. It's not an easy thing, right?
Senin, 21 Februari 2011 0 komentar

Login windows dengan Wajah

Hai sobart S&R gimana kabarnya?lama sekali S&R ga update dikarenakan terkena musibah...layar PC S&R terkena Air dan akhirnya Rusak......hikz hikz,ini juga masih dengan keadaan monitor yang ngeblog kena air tapi S&R tetep akan share ke Sobat sekalian Software keren yaitu LuxandBlinkPro2.3, apa itu LuxandBlinkPro2.3 ?ini adalah software untuk login windows sobat dengan wajah sobat...asik juga kan ni software??jadi lebih aman untuk menjaga keamanan PC/Laptop sobat . oke deh ga usah panjang lebar yang ingin download ni software silahkan download di link bawah ini

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