Suara Merdeka CyberNews. Dunia seni peran Indonesia kembali kembali kehilangan salah satu aktris terbaiknya. Kamis (25/11) sekitar pukul 20.30 WIB aktris senior Ida Kusuma atau yang sering disapa Oma Ida menghembuskan nafas terakhir di Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Puri Cinere, Depok, Jawa Barat.
Kuat Dugaan almarhumah Ida Kusuma meninggal akibat serangan jantung. Pasalnya, sebelum menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya almarhumah Oma Ida dikabarkan sempat tidur saat sedang menunggu jeda syuting yang dibintanginya di Jalan Galunggung, Cinere, Depok, Jawa Barat. Namun tak disangka saat gilirannya untuk beradegan, almarhumah Oma Ida tak lagi bangun dari tidurnya.
Tangis haru pun membahana senatero Rumah sakit jenazah di Puri Cinere. Rekan kerja Oma Ida yang juga sesama pemain sinetron nampak mengantarkan jenazah ke rumah sakit. Dari mimik wajah mereka tersirat jelas kalau mereka masih belum percaya almarhumah Oma Ida meninggal secepat itu.
Dari rumah sakit jenazah almarhumah Oma Ida kemudian langsung dibawa menggunakan ambulance menuju kediamannya Perumahan Mahkota Mas blok O VI/17 Kebon Nanas, Tangerang, Banten.
Sejumlah artis nampak silih berganti bertakziah dan memberikan penghormatan terakhir untuk Oma Ida. diantaranya teman seangkatan almarhumah seperti Nani wijaya, Dedi Petet, Dedy Mizwar.
Penyebab pasti kematian Oma Ida pun masih simpangsiur. Ada yang mengatakan Oma Ida meninggal di lokasi syuting karena serangan jantung, ada pula yang bilang almarhumah meningggal di rumah sakit. Dan Camelia Malik yang dipercaya sebagai juru bicara keluarga pun berusaha meluruskan kesimpangsiuran pemberitaan.
"Ibu Ida sudah siap akan syuting namun karena beliau ketinggalan baju dan sedang diambilkan kerumah. Disela menunggu itu bu Ida sedang makan bubur dan sempat tersedak, mungkin merasa perlu rebahan, kemudian ibu Ida ambil bantal dan mengambil posisi tidur dengan tenang. Kalau menurut dokter sewaktu dibawa ke rumah sakit kondisi sudah tidak bernyawa," tuturnya.
Dan putri kandungnya, Euis berusaha mengklarifikasi jika ibunya tidak mempunyai riwayat penyakit jantung. "tidak ada, ibu tidak punya riwayat penyakit jantung," tegasnya.
Menurut rencana, hari ini sekitar pukul 13.00 WIB atau sesudah solat jumat jenazah Oma Ida akan dikebumikan di Taman Pemakaman Umum Tanah Kusir Jakarta.
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Breakfast in the morning sex alias 'dawn raids', may have been inconceivable, especially in the days of work. Most married couples do better in the evening or at night. Because they generally assume that after sunset is the perfect time for romance. Moreover, many people assume that after dinner, sex drive will appear. But it could not hurt to try to put the alias sex breakfast sex in the morning. Six advantages you'll feel, one woman will be easier to reach orgasm
Sexual intercourse did not know the time, also where, of course, with limits norm. : D Also as an alternative and circumstances that are less profitable, have sex in the morning turned out to save its own greatness.
Having sex in the morning not only functions as a stress reliever. It is more profitable. You feel loved by a full day, it was noted and also met the needs of biological
However, sex in the morning often complained for several reasons. For example, in a hurry because the pursuit of office hours or may still feel sleepy. But that does not mean sex in the morning is not fun. Here are six secrets of sexual prowess in the morning
You are more excited. Research shows that levels of male hormones tetoteron higher when the morning. Men usually wake up after sleep, which means can have sex more easily, even without having to do the warm-up for so long. Psychologically, you are also more confident in knowing that her partner is ready to accept. Do it and make your partner feel the sensation of pleasure.
Women are quicker to reach orgasm. Wake up is at its most relaxed, most relaxed circumstances favorable for husband and wife to reach orgasm. Especially women, because in this case is absolute. Waking up every morning like opening of her new life, when the pressures of life have not crush. While the evening, the concentration of your mind like a repeat again the previous incident.
If too busy, you can set the schedule. You do not need to do it too often if busyness attention. Simply do it once a week until you realize the benefits. For those of you who often make the schedule and book events, why not enter a very exciting event in your notes. If you can schedule a meeting with your clients or your friends as well, but why not make love in the morning? :)
Erotic dreams come true. If you dream of erotic and your mind is hard to forget, then this is the right way to finish. You or your partner experienced an erotic dream, which could lead to a new passion in sex.
Your partner look more sexy in the morning. Many men who claimed that his wife over to look sexy in the morning, especially when waking. When he was clean of makeup and hair are not ordered. This is when your partner looks tempting.
Fast sex is also qualified. Not always sexual pleasure of the old is always promising. You get used to the idea that orgasm can usually be achieved with a long sex. In the morning, when sexual intercourse has only a limited time, your body actually in the most ready. So, sooner or later, morning sex would create the same delicious sensation.
You can take it as a stimulant. Such an opening menu, then look forward to the real dish with pounding hearts. Sex the morning will give color throughout the rest of the day that you live. After having sex in the morning, so maybe you are remembering in the time thereafter.
You might call your partner to share experiences about a fun event this morning. That would be a stimulant, and increasingly arousing sex. And the opening menu is not for the purpose of filling, but your main dish tastes fishing at night.

- Hear the Music playing song, mp3 or favorite radio station and follow-pal but do not sing it out loud next door neighbor will be disrupted.
- Watch Movies If the magelang bioskopnya yes is how it is that there are later added Bad Mood ... hehehehe S & R Suggest mending Borrow DVDs / CDs at the nearest rental, Enjoy a home invite my friends for watching movies together and do not watch "porn" or the movie-heavy heavy drain comprehension of our minds, watching like a movie or a cartoon funny.
- Chating Perhaps this one has become a liability that is buddy chat, chat is a means of us to share or stories with our friends, this can make us a little bit less stressful home no annoying friend who wrote that made me more resentful .. hehehe
- Walk Wait especially if we have some savings to off fatigue with the roads out of town certainly very nice but if capital mepet relaxed aja Buddy Buddy can enjoy the beautiful city in the town square or town center pal or wash the eyes in the mall can also terdekat.Sobat The photographs while sightseeing, but do not take style unique embarrassing.
- Sports Watch already, the streets already, chat, photos tetep bored already .... why not swimming, cycling or aerobics? Body exercise fun dude, make your mind healthy and relaxed again so clear as

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untuk melengkapi gambaran sobat tentang berita yang S&R sampaikan tadi, berikut ini kami berikan video terjadinya banjir (skala kecil.hehe) di Sekaran, Gunung Pati, Ungaran, Semarang.

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