Gedung Sate was built in 1920 - 1924 in Wihelmina Boulevard (now Jalan Diponegoro); laying the first stone by Ms. Johana Caaatherine Coops, eldest daughter Bandung Mayor B. Coops. Miss Petronella Roelofsen and representing the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies in Batavia.
Gedung Sate is a monumental work of architect Ir. Gerber. Architectural style is a blend of traditional architectural style of Western Indonesia and construction techniques, so-called Indo Eropeesche ArchitectuurStijln. Gedung Sate architecture is a blend of Italian and Moorish architectural styles from the Renaissance to the Hindu and Islamic architectural styles. Characterized by the traditional ornaments such as the Hindu temple are at the bottom wall of the building, while in the middle is placed the tower roofed batch as Meru in Bali, something common in Islamic architectural styles.
Ornaments six pole with sphere-like skewers berbetuk placed on top of the roof batch, as a symbol of the construction cost of six million guilders Gedung Sate.
Tempo Doeloe this building called Gouvernements Bedrijven (GB). This building was then called Gedung Sate based form of ornament at the peak of the roof of the batch. Gedung Sate is now a Kantro Governor of West Java.
Giving teritis (overstek) wide corridor on the ground floor is adapted to tropical climates, for air circulation and sunlight can get into the building well.
Meru roof (roof batch) on the main building is the vocal point of this building. The design of the roof was an effort to include local elements in building design. The face of the building is more dominated by the details (details) Western architecture such as arches and columns in a small window that uses the classical order
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