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Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011 0 komentar


Hai sobat S&R dini hari ini sangat mencekam ,kali ini s&R akan berbagi tentang sesuatu yang akan membuat bulu kuduk merinding ,apa ya?? penasaran?? baiklah kali ini S&R akan bagi kalian web dimana kailan akan tahu kapan tanggal,bulan dan tahun kematian sobat...so buat yang mental tempe jangan pernah buka ya..OK

ini linknya http://www.deathclock.com/

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011 0 komentar

Pintu Gerbang Wisata Di Jawa Timur

Gateway Tourism In East Java
In East Java, there are hundreds of tourist attractions. Despite claimed to be able to attract tourists (Wisnu) the highest in Indonesia, the potential is still much untapped. Call Bawean Island, which is still 'virgin' but instead gradually damaged due to not explored. Here is an interview with the Head Post Surabaya East Java Disbudpar related tourism potential that still mangkrak.

Achievement tourism bagged what is now East Java over the years, especially since you served as Head of Culture and Tourism Disnas East Java province began in May 2010?

Alhamdulillah, East Java this year ranked first nationally in the number of visits Wisnu. Of the 122 million visits wisnu in Indonesia, East Java there are 25.3 million wisnu who visit. As for foreign tourists (tourists), East Java ranks fifth nationally, about 203 thousand foreign tourists.

Attractions anywhere that has the potential for tourists attracted to Java for this?

In East Java there are currently 763 attractions, ranging from nature tourism, culture, until the man-made. We have iconic Bromo in East Java. There are tombs of five members Walisongo, namely Maulana Ibrahim Malik and Sunan Giri in Gresik, Sunan Drajat in Lamongan, Sunan Bonang in Tuban, and Sunan Ampel in Surabaya. In addition, there are two tombs of former President of Indonesia, Gus Dur and the Sukarno. There are also relics of the kingdom Mojopahit. If you go back to history, is also great because Mojopahit premises. This relic is the object that is able to lure tourists.

Java does have a lot of tourism potential, but not a few others who until now have not been properly explored, for example Bawean Island. In fact, its potential is not inferior to the Bunaken or Bali. What barriers do you think?

Java is different from other regions. Here the territory is vast, totaling 47,922 square kilometers. Imagine if you were from Banyuwangi then want to Pacitan, how long it took. Well, now we've got the airport, as in Sumenep, Banyuwangi, Jember, Malang, and next year in Bawean been completed. Of course, this airport will become the gate tourism development in East Java. Because, in East Java tourist sites themselves scattered and far-distant between the attraction to one another.

Special Bawean, now tranportasinya only ship, airport development plan is also likely to be completed in 2012, because of land clearing which have been the constraints also been completed. When later there is the airport in Bawean, the access will be easier. We will design Bawean as natural attractions. Let what it is! It is precisely this which will be a lot of tourists suck.

Yes, tourism development can not be separated from other agencies. Continue to do what concrete steps the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Province of East Java alone to develop tourism?

We will be working with city government or district government. If in each region has tourism potential national class, we will coordinate with the ministries. In addition, we will grow tourism awareness for the Java community, because this is very important as the main capital. For example, if there are tourists ride motorcycles, the motorcycle taxi drivers do not pull the expense that is not fair. If there is HP (cell phone) behind, do not fight to bring home. I am optimistic, East Java could be like Bali.

Now that's more crowded terrorism, while tourism can not get away with stability or security. In fact, Bali itself which is an international-class resorts immediately after the incident quiet Bali bombing, let alone the perpetrators of East Java. Java community itself was already a bad image, when driving using a plate 'S' in Bali alone is weird look. What do you think with this condition?

Until now, terrorism is not known who actually masterminded. Amrozi first coincidence of Lamongan, East Java. I guess this is not a problem for tourism development in East Java. If indeed there is terrorism we should all be vigilant, and be aware of. Awareness of this fact to improve our own economy.

In my opinion, was more comfortable to live in East Java. There were no differences between the tribes with one another. Take a look at the big cities, many people from outside East Java who settled here at home, ranging from studying at universities and schools. In East Java there is no discriminatory terms. This is also the capital for us to develop Tourism in East Java
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Rumah Pengasingan Bung Karno

The residence houses Bung Karno, One is no less important a good historic buildings to visit. The house is the residence of Bung Karno, the house is located in the center of the city of Bengkulu, specifically in the way of Sukarno Hatta Village Anggut Gading Cempaka Upper Town district of Bengkulu.

Year of establishment of this house can not be known with certainty, the house originally belonged to a Chinese trader named Lion BWE Seng hired by the Dutch to put the Bung Karno during exile in Bengkulu.

Up to now the characteristics of a Chinese home still exists, namely that there is a vent above the windows and doors patterned letters / phrases in Chinese. Bung Karno who had little name Kusno after exiled to Endeh Flires since 1934, then moved to Bengkulu in 1938.
"Most visitors to the Bung Karno serving his exile during the 1938 to 1942 in Bengkulu, the come from outside the city and dominated by students," said nurse Persada Bung Karno and Bung Karno Sugrahanudin House, Sunday (20/12).

"The number of visitors is increasing rapidly today because of school holidays and there is one school of South Sumatra province," he said.
Permanent employees of Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall (BP3) Jambi said an increasing number of visitors did take place every weekend.

But the long holiday to welcome the New Year 1431 Hijri make the higher increase in the number of visitors.

"If regular day is only 10 to 15 people, while the holidays around 100 to 150 people," he said.

Sugrahanudin said, most visitors are tourists House Bung Karno domestic origin of the island of Java and the neighboring provinces like South Sumatra and Lampung.

To enter the historic house where Bung Karno was performing frequently Tonil Monte Carlo, visitors must pay Rp 2,500 per person, but for the entourage to a discount to $ 1,500 per person.

Rudi, a resident of Jakarta who visited the historic assets, said, interested to see house of Bung Karno exile because in this area also The Proclaimers are met with First Lady Fatmawati.

"I'm interested to see the living conditions in exile during the Bung Karno, was a big house and according to the explanation of the guard, this house is the most luxurious home owned by a Chinese merchant that time," he said.
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011 0 komentar

Gedung Sate

Gedung Sate was built in 1920 - 1924 in Wihelmina Boulevard (now Jalan Diponegoro); laying the first stone by Ms. Johana Caaatherine Coops, eldest daughter Bandung Mayor B. Coops. Miss Petronella Roelofsen and representing the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies in Batavia.

Gedung Sate is a monumental work of architect Ir. Gerber. Architectural style is a blend of traditional architectural style of Western Indonesia and construction techniques, so-called Indo Eropeesche ArchitectuurStijln. Gedung Sate architecture is a blend of Italian and Moorish architectural styles from the Renaissance to the Hindu and Islamic architectural styles. Characterized by the traditional ornaments such as the Hindu temple are at the bottom wall of the building, while in the middle is placed the tower roofed batch as Meru in Bali, something common in Islamic architectural styles.

Ornaments six pole with sphere-like skewers berbetuk placed on top of the roof batch, as a symbol of the construction cost of six million guilders Gedung Sate.
Tempo Doeloe this building called Gouvernements Bedrijven (GB). This building was then called Gedung Sate based form of ornament at the peak of the roof of the batch. Gedung Sate is now a Kantro Governor of West Java.
Giving teritis (overstek) wide corridor on the ground floor is adapted to tropical climates, for air circulation and sunlight can get into the building well.
Meru roof (roof batch) on the main building is the vocal point of this building. The design of the roof was an effort to include local elements in building design. The face of the building is more dominated by the details (details) Western architecture such as arches and columns in a small window that uses the classical order
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Three wells beach

The beach on the island of Weh is very diverse and very interesting to visit. Love the beach is the beach closest to the town of Sabang. About two km to the Southwest there is a rocky beach with many palm trees along the peninsula. Along the peninsula can also be found some relics of World War II in the form of fortresses where heavy weapons such as cannons.
Following along the coast about two miles we will reach Tread Elephant Coast. If we continue it will go through the beach wells Three. Fine white sand and clear water is ideal for swimming and snorkeling. About two kilometers from the beach Three wells contained Kareung Edge Beach. Here there are many coral reefs, reef fishes, starfish and also near the beach. Other beautiful beaches can be found in Gapang, ie extensive white sandy beaches and beautiful village near Iboih, west town of Sabang.
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Tread Elephant Coast

Tread Elephant Coast.
The beach is located in the Village Tread Elephant. It is said in this village by the local people found a trail of footprints of animals, namely; Elephant. So with so this village till now named Tread Elephant. Not far from the settlement there is a beach and they named Tread Elephant Coast. This beach is famous for its wide white sandy beaches and rocks along the shore adorn and beauty of palm trees covered by weeds.
In addition, as other evidence not far from the beach there is also a burial complex that is considered sacred to the local community is one of 44 funeral Aulia in Sabang.
Senin, 30 Mei 2011 0 komentar

Belanja di Pasar Gotong Royong

Pagi Sobat S&R.....sudah pada bangun belum nih di hari senin yang secerah ini dan penuh dengan rutinitas , Pagi ini S&R pergi ke pasar Tradisional Gotong Royong kota magelang buat belanja dari Daging ayam,Loncang seledri,lombok,jajanan,tahu dan ga habis 20rb...hehehehe karena cuma buat masakan untuk hari ini....hari ini rencana mau masak Ayam Balado ma buat tahu susur aja sih untuk sarapan pagi. Oke semoga Hari Sobat di pagi hari ini beruntung dan semangat jalani hari Senin ini.

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011 0 komentar

Cumi Pedas Manis versi S&R

hai sobat S&R jumpa lagi dengan chef S&R...hehehehehehe chef-chefan . Tadi malam sambil beli makanan ringin di salah satu Swalayan terbesar di magelang untuk nonton bola Final Liga champion Setan merah VS El barca tak lupa juga membeli Cumi segar. nah siang harinya baru sempet masak cumi jadi sekalian aku share ya dan bagi bagi tentang cara masak cumi pedas, cukup mudah dan pastinya rasanya maknyus enak sangat. yuk ke TKP bahan-bahan untuk membuatnya tapi sebelumnya cuci bersih dulu cumi dengan cara sebagai berikut
  1. Tarik tulang yang berada dipunggung cumi, jangan sampai putus
  2. Dikepala cumi ada bagian yang keras, tekan perlahan-lahan sampai keluar dan buang.
  3. Lepaskan kepalanya, buang kantong tinta dan kantong kotoran.
  • 300gram Cumi Segar. Sisihkan
  • 5 Bawang Merah
  • 2 Bawang putih
  • 1 ruas Jahe
  • 1 ruas Laos
  • 1 ruas Kunyit
  • 2 Sendok teh garam
  • Gula jawa

Cara memasak
Haluskan semua bahan, kecuali laos, gula jawa. kemudian tumis bumbu yang telah dihaluskan hingga harum. Masukkan cumi-cumi tumis bersama bumbu sampai cumi menjadi kaku. tambahkan air secukupnya lalu masukkan gula jawa. Tunggu sampai mendidih dan bumbu meresap.. Setelah cumi matang angkat dan sajikan hangat-hangat. Selamat mencoba..Sobat S&R.....

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011 0 komentar

Nasi Godog ala S&R

Siang hari ini baru aja buat nasi godog,enak banget siang siang makan yang kemepyar (segar-segar) kata orang jawa bilang. S&R emang hobby alias doyan banget ma namanya nasi goreng dan nasi godog. Makanya dikesempatan kali ini ketika S&R buat nasi godog munculah ide untuk share sedikit tentang nasi godog , barangkali Sobat S&R ada yang suka juga dengan nasi godog. Bahan-bahan pembuatanya apa aja nih?? Tenang S&R akan kasih Resep nasi godog yang barusan S&R untuk sobat

Bahan pokok

  1. Satu piring nasi
  2. Dua siung bawang putih
  3. Satu batang loncang dan seledri
  4. Enam lombok rawit setan
  5. Empat butir merica
  6. Garam satu sendok kecil
  7. Bumbu masak setengah sendok kecil

bahan tambahan
  1. Jamur
  2. Telur Jawa dadar
  3. Rolade
Cara masaknya
Ulek halus bawang putih,lombok,garam,merica dan iris kecil-kecil loncang kemudian gongso semua bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan serta masukan irisan loncang tadi dan tambahkan 2 gelas kecil air setelah cukup mendidih masukan nasi kemudian aduk rata agar bumbu meresap.

Oke sekian catatan kecil hari ini . Selamat mencoba...hehehehehehe

0 komentar

Foto syur Nadila Ernesta

Hai sobat S&R kali ini S&R akan memberitakan berita Heboh Artis setelah sebelumnya foto topless Dewi Persik kini ada lagi .....lagi-lagi artis, ya beginilih jika seseorang bekerja di dunia public figur ,tingkah dan polahnya pasti menjadi perbincangan banyak orang dan seharusnya para public figur bisa memberikan contoh yang baik bagi masyarakat . Tidak seperti artis Nadila Ernesta yang berfoto syur dengan kawan-kawanya,mungkin karena pengaruh minuman keras atau memang doyan foto syur seperti itu. parahnya salah satu foto syur Nadila Ernesta ada yang menggunakan atribut kepolisian, nah bagaimana jadinya moral generasi muda di indonesia ini. silahkan mengamati Foto Nadila ernesta ,semoga bisa menjadi pembelajaran betapa memalukanya generasi muda kita yang seperti ini
Selasa, 24 Mei 2011 0 komentar

FRAPS (Record your Games)

FRAPS adalah software untuk merekam permainan yang kita mainkan ,selain untuk merekam permainan FRAPS juga bisa untuk screenshot. Software ini telah banyak membantu S&R jika sedang bermain games apalagi jika dalam permainan yang kita mainkan ada moment spesial sayangkan kalau tidak kita rekam atau di screenshoot. langsung aja sedot ini software Sobat uke

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INTERNET (interconnected-networking)

Kata apa ya yang harus S&R ucapkan untuk internet kecuali terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada internet karena hampir setiap waktu setiap hari aku selalu berselancar di dunia maya untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan, berbagi dan peduli terhadap banyak hal yang tentunya bermaanfaat dan berguna. Jika dikata dengan adanya akses internet dunia kita lebih mudah itu tergantung ,kenapa ga tergandeng...hehehehe ,karena hal yang dianggap mudah belum tentu benar dan akurat , contahnya saja saya bertanya kepada Eyang Google Apa beda orang utan dan kera? pasti jawaban yang keluar akan bermacam-macam dan dengan definisi-definisi tersendiri. nah makanya pintar-pintar memilah dan memilih mana yang tepat dan akurat. Hal yang menyenangkan ada di internet dari permainan(games online),jejaring sosial,ilmu pengetahuan gratis,hingga apapun yang ingin kita pelajaripun ada begitupun juga hal menyedihkan sama banyaknya di internet dari kejahatan dunia maya( Hacker,Cracke ,phising,malware), penipuan dan website-website jebakan batman yang menyebalkan hingga konten porno yang tidak sesuai batasan usia. Internet memang berguna tetapi internet juga dapat menyesatkan kita, sebenernya yang dapat mengendalikan diri kita adalah ya diri kita sendiri . Sebelum lebih jauh berselancar dengan internet lebih baiknya jika anak dibawah umur harus ada bimbingan dari orang tua dan buat orang dewasa serta orang tua berilah contoh-contoh yang baik dalam menggunakan internet.
Senin, 23 Mei 2011 0 komentar

Kompilasi 8 lagu terbaik

Kompilasi 8 lagu terbaik adalah kompilasi versi S&R tentang lagu terbaik yang patut diapresiasikan , dikesempatan kali ini band yang ada dikompilasi 8 terbaik adalah

  1. Last Child - Lagu Terakhir Untukmu
  2. Syahrini - Aku Tak Biasa
  3. The Bagindas - Ay
  4. Projek Pop - Cekat-Cekot(Boyband)
  5. Geisha - Cinta dan Benci
  6. Sheila on 7 - Berlayar denganku
  7. Shaggy Dog - Honey
  8. Igo Idol - Karena aku punya kamu
Download Kompilasi 8 S&R
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Magelang Gemilang

Magelang Gemilang kota kecil di jawa tengah yang sangat indah ,adem,nyaman dan apa ya yang menggambarkan tentang magelang...ya pokoke magelang iki apik tenan sedulur. Banyak yang disajikan di kota Magelang ini, S&R akan ceritakan sedikit mulai dari

  • Tempat pariwisatanya yang pertama
  1. Bukit Tidar

  2. Taman Kyai Langgeng

  3. Candi Borobudur

  4. Candi Mendut

  5. Curuk selawe

  6. Ketep Pas

  7. Kopeng

  8. Museum Sudirman

  9. Museum Abdul Jalil(Akmil)

  • Kemudian dari tempat kuliner,yang satu ini menurut rekomendasi S&R ya
  1. Nasi Senereg di jalan Kartini dekat Cacaban

  2. Bakso Lestari di Pasar Rejowinangun

  3. Nasi Goreng Permitan dekat Kuburan

  4. Sate Kambing pak Sabar samping stadion Abu Bakrin

  5. Ayam Goreng Bu Tatik

  6. Ayam bakar NINIT

  7. Ayam bakar Panjiwo

  8. Mie Ayam Balong Jl Raya magelang Purworejo

  9. Mie Ayam Depan SD sukorejo 3 deoan perumahan Rindam Diponegoro

  10. RM. Sumber Rejeki Jl Raya Magelang Purworejo

  11. Bakwan Bromo (Nomaden) berpindah-pindah kalau nyari disekitaran Pancaarga

  12. Soto Pak No pertigaan pakelan (buka cuma pagi Hari)

  • Tempat perbelanjaan atau shopping center
    1. Gardena

    2. Matahari

    3. Trio plasa

    4. Armada Swalayan

    5. Alfa Mart

    6. Indomaret

    7. Giant ex Hero

    8. Swalayan Kembang tanjung

    9. Pasar Rejowinangun

    10. Pasar Pagi Gotong Royong

    11. Pasar Bonpolo

    12. Town Square Mall is coming soon Agustus 2011

      • Distro Magelang
      1. Flo lokasi di plengkung

      2. Wild style Glagah

      3. OP (outlet pakelan)

        • Penginapan atau Hotel
        1. Hotel ning Tidar Jl Raya Magelang Purworejo

        2. Hotel Borobudur Indah Jl Raya Magelang Semarang

        3. Hotel Puri Asri Bayeman

        4. Hotel Safari depan polaris Jl Raya Magelang Semarang

        5. Hotel Mutiara Pecinan depan Klenteng

        6. dan masih banyak yang lainya yang mungkin S&R belum sebutkan ,jika sobat ada memiliki rekomendasi atau mengetahui tempat lain silahkan memberikan komentar dibawah ya...uke. Sekian tentang Magelang

0 komentar

Radio Favorit S&R di Magelang

Di radio aku dengar lagu kesayanganmu....lewat radio aku sampaikan dan radio telah temani S&R dalam berbagai hal ,nah sekarang S&R kasih bocoran beberapa Radio terfavorit S&R dan layak untuk Sobat S&R dengarkan

1. Radio Unnima FM Magelang
Facebook Unimma
Website Unnima
Streaming online Radio Unnima
Trackline (0293) 325909
SMS line 0811 2533 876
ini radio disamping S&R kenal ama DJ2nya ,Acara yang paling S&R suka di Radio unnima adalah Indiego,Ribbon ma SMP

2.Radio Pop FM (biangnya dangdut Magelang)
SMS line 085729109898
Acara yang paling S&R suka Dikempongi (Didi kempot paling ngangeni)

3.Radio Polaris FM
SMS line 085643240101
Acara yang paling S&R suka Night live, Most Wanted dan PDKT.com

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KEmulator Lite v0.9.8

Halo sobat S&R lama tak jumpa bagaimana kabarnya? semoga baik-baik saja.Amin. Dikesempatan kali ini S&R akan share software emulator java, ini software berfungsi untuk memainkan games HP yang berformat jar di komputer selain itu juga bisa menjalankan aplikasi seperti operamini dan semua aplikasi handphone berformat jar. Silahkan download di bawah ini

Download KEmulator Lite v0.9.8 gratis

Sabtu, 23 April 2011 0 komentar


Hidup ini benar-benar tidak terduga. Tidak ada dari kita tidak tahu apa yang ada di sudut. Apakah seseorang berdiri di rok seseorang sementara melewati jalan di lampu merah, atau apakah AC akan jatuh di kepala seseorang, sementara mengagumi gaun di jendela, atau apakah seseorang akan jatuh ke lubang dan menjadi Ninja Turtle ... Oleh karena itu, kita harus mempersenjatai diri kita dengan kamera dan tunggu foto terakhir sukses! P.S. Tentu saja, materi yang dipasang, dalam hal ini, adalah lebih baik daripada yang asli.

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