Gateway Tourism In East Java
In East Java, there are hundreds of tourist attractions. Despite claimed to be able to attract tourists (Wisnu) the highest in Indonesia, the potential is still much untapped. Call Bawean Island, which is still 'virgin' but instead gradually damaged due to not explored. Here is an interview with the Head Post Surabaya East Java Disbudpar related tourism potential that still mangkrak.
Achievement tourism bagged what is now East Java over the years, especially since you served as Head of Culture and Tourism Disnas East Java province began in May 2010?
Alhamdulillah, East Java this year ranked first nationally in the number of visits Wisnu. Of the 122 million visits wisnu in Indonesia, East Java there are 25.3 million wisnu who visit. As for foreign tourists (tourists), East Java ranks fifth nationally, about 203 thousand foreign tourists.
Attractions anywhere that has the potential for tourists attracted to Java for this?
In East Java there are currently 763 attractions, ranging from nature tourism, culture, until the man-made. We have iconic Bromo in East Java. There are tombs of five members Walisongo, namely Maulana Ibrahim Malik and Sunan Giri in Gresik, Sunan Drajat in Lamongan, Sunan Bonang in Tuban, and Sunan Ampel in Surabaya. In addition, there are two tombs of former President of Indonesia, Gus Dur and the Sukarno. There are also relics of the kingdom Mojopahit. If you go back to history, is also great because Mojopahit premises. This relic is the object that is able to lure tourists.
Java does have a lot of tourism potential, but not a few others who until now have not been properly explored, for example Bawean Island. In fact, its potential is not inferior to the Bunaken or Bali. What barriers do you think?
Java is different from other regions. Here the territory is vast, totaling 47,922 square kilometers. Imagine if you were from Banyuwangi then want to Pacitan, how long it took. Well, now we've got the airport, as in Sumenep, Banyuwangi, Jember, Malang, and next year in Bawean been completed. Of course, this airport will become the gate tourism development in East Java. Because, in East Java tourist sites themselves scattered and far-distant between the attraction to one another.
Special Bawean, now tranportasinya only ship, airport development plan is also likely to be completed in 2012, because of land clearing which have been the constraints also been completed. When later there is the airport in Bawean, the access will be easier. We will design Bawean as natural attractions. Let what it is! It is precisely this which will be a lot of tourists suck.
Yes, tourism development can not be separated from other agencies. Continue to do what concrete steps the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Province of East Java alone to develop tourism?
We will be working with city government or district government. If in each region has tourism potential national class, we will coordinate with the ministries. In addition, we will grow tourism awareness for the Java community, because this is very important as the main capital. For example, if there are tourists ride motorcycles, the motorcycle taxi drivers do not pull the expense that is not fair. If there is HP (cell phone) behind, do not fight to bring home. I am optimistic, East Java could be like Bali.
Now that's more crowded terrorism, while tourism can not get away with stability or security. In fact, Bali itself which is an international-class resorts immediately after the incident quiet Bali bombing, let alone the perpetrators of East Java. Java community itself was already a bad image, when driving using a plate 'S' in Bali alone is weird look. What do you think with this condition?
Until now, terrorism is not known who actually masterminded. Amrozi first coincidence of Lamongan, East Java. I guess this is not a problem for tourism development in East Java. If indeed there is terrorism we should all be vigilant, and be aware of. Awareness of this fact to improve our own economy.
In my opinion, was more comfortable to live in East Java. There were no differences between the tribes with one another. Take a look at the big cities, many people from outside East Java who settled here at home, ranging from studying at universities and schools. In East Java there is no discriminatory terms. This is also the capital for us to develop Tourism in East Java